We’re here to help all Americans feel like powerful, responsible citizens — regardless of documentation status. We want you to be able to say, I understand my role as a citizen. I believe that it matters for me to try. I want to show up and participate.

In our programs, we equip civic catalysts with the ideas and strategies to inspire this kind of strong citizenship in their hometowns. But if you’re not ready to join one of our programs, then right here is a great place to start. In these pages, you’ll find inspiring examples and practical ideas to help you in your citizen journey. Ready to dive in?

Understand Citizenship

Why does democracy require active citizenship — and suffer without it? What does citizenship mean to those without documentation status? Explore and widen your sense of citizenship to find new ways of taking responsibility and improving the civic health of your community.

Rebuild Civic Faith

Democracy works only when enough of us believe democracy works. It’s up to all of us to reckon with our shared creed — the values and ideals that hold us together — and why this creed is worth believing in. Reflect on what you have faith in and why it matters.

Live Like a Citizen

In our democracy, we’re more than spectators. We each play a crucial role in shaping the kind of society we want to live in. But in the face of polarization, greed, and oppression, we must deepen our literacy of power — and strengthen our sense of character — to fully flex our civic muscles.