Stories & Ideas
These posts are here for you to explore, learn, and strengthen your citizen muscles!
11 Results found for: Eric Liu
A message from Eric Liu on what citizens can do right now
Recommendations and resources to support your writing and reporting to tell more compelling "stories of us."
A message from Eric Liu on recent gun violence and the path forward.
Eric Liu unpacks civic culture, responsibility, and the tenor of the times.
A civic sermon by Eric Liu for Civic Saturday on March 12, 2022.
Be not afraid
CategoriesA message on hope, fear, awakening our responsibility from CEO Eric Liu.
Eric Liu's civic sermon delivered at our virtual Civic Saturday on December 4, 2021.
TED Talks by Eric Liu
CategoriesA selection of thought provoking videos to activate and inspire.
A civic sermon delivered by Eric Liu on August 7, 2021 at Town Hall Seattle.
Power + character
CategoriesCivic power is how we can be a force for good and civic character is what you do when everybody’s looking.