Defining civic culture  •  Examples of culture in action  •  Upcoming events  •  Op-ed writing opportunity

How will we mend what feels so broken in society?

The ways we treat one another, whether we care for our community, how we show up to solve common problems, whether we are able to disagree without hating one another… our civic culture in America is struggling. We the people are struggling. Presidents and elections can poison our civic culture, but they cannot heal it. Only people can do that through our everyday choices.

Fortunately, in all corners of the country, Americans are hard at work strengthening this shared culture. They’re creating gatherings that break down walls and humanize neighbors again. They’re creating habits of service and inspiring the renewed practice of citizenship. They’re helping others believe that their contributions and participation in our democracy matter.

Strengthening our civic culture takes each one of us — parents, CEOs, journalists, comedians, academics, philanthropists, and everyday Americans. How will you be part of the solution?


Civic culture
/ˈsivik ˈkəlCHər/

American civic culture is the set of norms, values, narratives, habits, and rituals that shape how we live together and govern ourselves in our diverse democratic society. It is upstream of politics and government — and it extends to all the facets of how we live together as citizens, behave in public, deal with common problems, relate to our neighbors, and identify with one another and our communities and nation.

The American Academy of Arts and Sciences has published a report called Habits of Heart and Mind: How to Fortify Civic Culture. It explores the what, why, and how of civic culture in America. It’s full of stories and guidance on opportunities to strengthen our nation’s shared civic norms, habits, narratives, and values. 

Explore the report →

A group standing in front of the Cossitt Library.

Shamichael Hallman knew the library he managed was underutilized as a community space. He set out to transform the library’s traditional quiet atmosphere into a hub of interaction and engagement.  The new layout includes an open landscape with public art and a café offering fresh food — and there’s a growing culture of neighbors participating in the setup for events, sharing skills, and welcoming diverse groups into this civic space.

Two people sitting on a bench together.

In the Folded Map Project, residents from the Chicago’s North Side and South Side are paired with their “map twin,” the person who has a parallel address on the opposite side of the city. Pairs talk  together about their neighborhoods and to have tough conversations about the social, racial, and institutional investments that shaped each community. This effort is making the divisions between places a unifying feature of the Windy City landscape.  

People marching in a parade and playing instruments.

Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York City recently transformed its iconic plaza into a living public stage for rituals of civic renewal. They’re encouraging people to dance, love, celebrate, and reclaim what was lost during the isolation and unacknowledged sorrow of the pandemic. In one event, hundreds of community members walked alongside jazz musicians for a New Orleans–style Second Line processional to grieve and to recommit to life.

Explore more stories of civic culture in action through the report, Habits of Heart and Mind.


“A nation’s civic culture is the aggregate of decisions every person makes regarding how to behave in the company of others and whether to treat community problems as their own.”  – Habits of Heart and Mind

After the election this November, we must pick up the pieces, make sense of where to go from here, and double down on strengthening our shared culture. Every American can — and has a responsibility to — be part of this movement.

Strengthening Civic Communities Workshop
Join Citizen University at the Seattle Public Library for an enriching and activating workshop on how you can cultivate a strong civic community. This workshop is for people who consider themselves active citizens but are concerned about the civic health of their communities — and looking for ways to play a leadership-like role in strengthening it. Learn more →

FEATURED: How to Fortify Civic Culture in America
Join the launch of Habits of Heart and Mind: How to Fortify Civic Culture to discuss the what, why, and how of civic culture in America. Featuring Ben Klutsey, Eric Liu, and Natalie Tran, this session will celebrate the many organizations working to reinvigorate civic culture today and the methods they use to fortify our civic culture before, during, and after the U.S. presidential election.

Attend the launch event → 

Funder Briefing: Investing in Civic Culture
What are the opportunities to invest in activities that fundamentally shape how Americans treat one another? How do we inject a new spirit of joy and possibility and imagination into the ways that we live in our communities? Join this briefing to explore where funding can be best directed to catalyze culture change following this year’s momentous election. Please reach out to Kayla DeMonte ([email protected]) with interest.

Civic Saturday for CU Alumni
While we don’t know what the election will bring, one thing is crystal clear: we need space and structure to make sense of this intense time. To connect with other people who are dedicated to strengthening citizenship and community and culture in the midst of it all. To remember how powerful we can be, when rooted in a shared sense of purpose and spirit. This gathering is for CU Alumni only — please reach out to Rob Pabon with questions ([email protected]).

Let’s talk about civic culture: a briefing for reporters, writers, and storytellers
Americans crucially need narratives that model, reinforce, and catalyze a spirit of civic reconciliation, pluralism, and the practice of citizenship required to sustain our democracy. Our nation needs stories of civic culture that inspire and activate. This webinar intends to catalyze storytellers and writers to take up the charge of strengthening our civic culture through their work as narrators of what is happening — and what is possible — for our nation. More detail coming soon — please reach out to Natalie Valentine with interest or questions ([email protected]).

Uncovering the narratives that invite Americans in is an integral aspect of a healthy civic culture. In America’s ongoing debate over identity, these stories can help citizens shift from inaction to common action.

Habits of Heart and Mind


No matter the election outcome, we remain neighbors and Americans on November 6. What will it take for all to believe that this is possible? Modeling connection across difference is very powerful. The more people hear about it and believe it is happening, the more likely they are to do the same.

A preview of a document with messaging guidelines.What you can do today: write an op-ed that lifts up stories of civic connection and pluralism in a time of division. Your op-ed will be a part of a broader campaign to shift the national narrative of division and polarization. Our friends at Interfaith America and New Pluralists are eager to provide you with messaging guidelines, an op-ed writing training, and other support.

Get started →